Find Interiorscape Plants

Search hundreds of interior foliage nurseries

PlantANT is the perfect tool for interiorscapers to find tropical and other interior foliage for their projects. Using the "Locate Plants" feature, type in the name of the plant you're looking for and press search. You can type in the common or botanical name as PlantANT will search both fields automatically. Filters will appear on the left side of the page under the search area. Selecting the "Shade Grown" filter will narrow your search results to only show shade grown plants that can be used for interiorscape purposes. If the "Shade Grown" filter is not shown, it means that none of the nurseries / growers grow this plant in shade.

You can also select other filters such as container size, height, standard, etc. If the nursery has a picture of the plant, a camera icon will appear to the right of the listing, just click on the icon to see the image. PlantANT has thousands of listings from wholesale interior foliage growers. Try it for yourself by searching or popular interior plants such as rhapis palm, dracaena, and cordyline. Many of the growers ship nationwide, contact them directly for details.

This information is pertinent to industry buyers searching for Interior Foliage Nursery, Interiorscape Nursery, Interiorscape Grower, Interior Foliage Growers